InstantCool - Wearable Neck AC

Due to global warming, people have already started to suffer. Those who are staying in the tropical region are facing this problem to a great extent. Considering the fast-paced nature of human life, it has become really hard to enjoy the cool breeze of air under the air conditioner. What if, we tell you that you can now wear the AC on the neck? You might be stunned with this statement since people don’t even think of this idea as most of the AC units are typically large and heavy in size. But this is not going to be the case for InstantCool. This wearable neck AC is very stylish and anyone can enjoy this device without spending too much money. Let's see some of the most amazing benefits of the wearable neck AC. Read this article carefully as you will learn a lot.

insta cool

Morning experience

People who run in the morning and do regular exercise become tired too early due to sweating. During the hot summer days, some of us often stop doing morning exercise. InstantCool device is designed for the people who want to enjoy the cool breeze of air even during the hot summer. You might be doing all the hard and but still, you can stay calm. This will improve efficiency and keep you relaxed all the time. Unless you use wearable neck AC you will never understand why this device has become so much popular.

Variable size

The wearable AC comes with variable size so that people of all ages can use it. You can even buy this wearable AC for your 10 years old kid who goes to school on foot. Your kids will never have to sweat while across the street. Most importantly, they can wear InstantCool and look cooler among the other kids. If you do some research, you will find devices with a typical fan on it. But InstantCool is not the typical fan that you will wear on the neck. It's more like the smallest version of portable AC that can ensure a high standard of comfort anywhere in the world.

insta cool

Adjustable airflow

One of the key reasons for which people like InstantCool is the adjustable airflow. If you use the neck AC, you adjust the airflow in various ways and ensure maximum comfort. Some of the users of other devices have complained that the fan speed is too low or high. They don’t feel comfortable with such a device as the fan speed is not adjustable. But if you use the InstantCool, you can adjust the airflow in three different modes. Based on your requirement, you can adjust the airflow and enjoy the maximum comfort without any hassle.

Ultimately portability

The InstantCool can be charged via USB-c type port. And with one charge, it can serve you well. The users are pretty satisfied with the battery life. Most importantly, it has a LED light indicator that shows the battery level. As soon as you get the signal the battery life is down, you can plug your device with the USB-c type port and the device will charge at a dramatic speed. Most of the people who wear a portable device that runs on power are worried about the charging potential. But this device has no such issues as it uses the most common charging port and allows the users to use it without having any charging issues.

Neck cooling vents

Most of the device that we wear regularly doesn’t have any vent. It causes us to sweat and creates irritations. But if you use the InstantCool, you can see the neck cooling vents. The neck cooling vents can help more airflow and improve user experience. Some of you might think you can get a similar design device at a lower price. But this will not be possible as the design is patented. Get yourself an InstantCool and you will see the premium features they have added to this lightweight device. Focus on the use of this device and if you want to stay cool. And those who travel a lot must use this device as it will provide the fresh cool air.

Equipped with powerful ionizer

This device is equipped with a powerful ionizer that helps the users to enjoy the maximum possible fresh air at any instant. It ionizes the air around you and reduces the pollutant particles. So, the air that you will breathe will be fresh and you feel the change. Most of the time, the users are concerned about the cold airflow. But this device will ensure fresh cold airflow. And if you are a new user, you can use the personal thermal cooling option to get the best benefit in less than 5 minutes. Get this device and put an end to the sufferings.